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Why See A Dominatrix?

Most pro-Dommes are women who are impeccably well-groomed and attractive to look at. Sex sells. It always has and it always will. This does not mean that a pro-Domme has sex with her clients.  There are many who do and they are known as a Lady Bizarre. The world of a Dominatrix is surrounded by a myriad of activities that require her to look her best and be as appealing to her clientele, as possible.

To many seeking the services of a pro-Domme, they see a beautiful, attractive, and powerful woman who in their mind, is unattainable. Paying for her services places them in a position to be in her presence and have her full attention for the duration of their time with that Domme. Often people with very low or poor self-esteem will book a session with a pro-Domme in order to boost their morale and self-image.  In some cases, they will ask for public humiliation and in doing so gain the attention of everyone around them. They become the center of attention at that moment. Twisted as it may sound to many it is a way of feeling important and the idea of ‘all-eyes-on-me’ equates to being a rock star or a VIP in that scenario.

A professional Dominatrix is an individual well versed in the many activities of the BDSM/Fetish/Kink community and lifestyle. She provides a safe and non-judgmental environment for many people to embrace, discover, and explore their deep, dark fetishes, desires, and fantasies.

For many professionals like CEOs, or other high-powered business individuals, the idea of seeing or paying for the services of a pro-Domme is extremely appealing in that they can hand over total control during a session. For that brief moment in time, they are not responsible for anything. They can relax in the knowledge that someone else is in the ‘driver’s seat’ for that brief moment in their lives.

For many others, the idea of seeing a Dominatrix is appealing simply because of the taboo that still surrounds this profession and it’s almost like being able to touch or experience the ‘forbidden fruit’. There is an endorphin rush in willingly submitting your mind and body to another human and allowing them to take you on a journey that you would not normally experience anywhere else or with anyone else.

We all have deep, dark, and wild fantasies, fetishes, and kinks. Many people are involved in relationships and marriages where they feel they cannot express these thoughts to their partners for fear of what their partners may think of them. In many instances like this, that person will seek out a pro-Domme to act out and live out those fantasies and fetishes. The goal for many is to reach a euphoric, almost meditative state of bliss known as a ‘sub-space’.  This can be achieved with almost any BDSM activity but is usually attained quite quickly with activities that include bondage and impact play.

The body releases endorphins (pleasure hormones) when it is injured to help a person and the body deal with the pain and trauma. A pro-Domme understands that by inflicting the right amount of pain, she can help release those hormones thereby bringing a person to that euphoric state. A professional Dominatrix can also achieve this using sensual play activities.

Many pro-Dommes also have some education or degrees in psychology, life coaching, and counseling.  These professions combined with BDSM activities can be hugely therapeutic for many individuals and deal with personal issues and traumas like divorce, rape, anxieties, and phobias. A Dominatrix offers a highly specialized service which is why she charges for her time.

Ultimately the reason for seeing a pro-Domme is to attain the otherwise unattainable.  To explore and let go of your inhibitions in an environment where judgment does not exist. Nobody tells you that you’re perverse, stupid, or irrational. Seeing a pro-Domme is an experience that is tailor-made for each individual and their specific needs or kinks.


  1. DO - Understand the differences between various Dommes:

    Not all Dommes operate in the same way.  Each Dominatrix has her own specialties, amount of experience, limits, services that she offers, and ways of dealing with her submissives/slaves, or clientele. Be sure to book a session with a Dominatrix who is experienced in the particular activity you are interested in. Some Dommes work on their own or work in collaboration with an established dungeon. Others have their own personal dungeons or playrooms.

  2. DO – Pay Tribute or Gift the Domme you have booked:

    Whilst this is not essential, it does help you gain the favor and kind eye of a pro-Domme. Her time is precious and the service you are paying for requires her mental and physical energy and expertise. Bringing a gift, known as ‘tribute’, is a good way to gain her favor and ensure further sessions with that Domme. As a Mistress, pro-Dommes create fantasies. They don’t get all dressed up to be covered in your bodily fluids only to walk away making the bare minimum.

  3. DON’T – Be afraid to ask for what you want:

    If you know what your kink or fetish is, make sure to tell your Domme this and discuss with her what you would like out a session with her. If you are new to the scene, that’s also ok.  A pro-Domme is experienced to help guide you and discover your kinks and fetishes with you.  Whether you are an experienced submissive/slave or a newcomer, come with an open mind.

  4. DON’T – Confuse a pro-Domme with other sex workers:

    Do not assume that just because a Dominatrix provides kinky services that is going to end in sex with her. Oral sex, handjobs, etc. are associated with sex workers or escorts and whilst there is nothing wrong with seeking out these pleasures, be careful to not confuse these activities with the services that a Domme offers.



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