Preview the epicure club new year's eve masquerade ball

New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball

Our team loves dress up events. Can you think of a better opportunity than New Year's Eve?

In other words, this New Year's Eve Party at the EPICURE.CLUB will be a Masquerade Ball. Start thinking about your costume now. Don't miss Cape Town's coolest New Year's Eve party.


DJ Reevo and special guests


Please note, that our experience from the last three New Year's Eve parties is that nobody wants to miss the countdown. Expect socializing until midnight. Play will only commence after the countdown, from about 00:30 hours. Please don't expect guests to play earlier.


Tickets can be purchased at

There will not be any ticket sales at the door.

Profile picture for user Hannelie

How can we buy tickets for the New Year's Eve party

Profile picture for user Administrator

In reply to by Ray Morgan (not verified)

Dear Ray,

Tickets for this event are limited. We will therefore only sell tickets via the link in the event description. There will be no cash sales at the door.

The Management


Profile picture for user Hannelie

Dear Epicure,

We are a newly married couple who are very curious as to what the programme is for New Years Eve - could you let us this know?

Best from,
Morten and Charlotte (from Copenhagen, Denmark)

Profile picture for user Administrator

In reply to by Morten and Charlotte (not verified)

Dear Charlotte, dear Morton,

This year we will have a Masquerade Ball for New Year's Eve. It will be different than previous years, but we expect even more fun!

We would love to host you. Come celebrate your wedding here...

Please think about your outfits already and bring them from Denmark. Getting what you want locally, last minute, will be tedious.

Best Regards,


Profile picture for user Hannelie

We are interested in your event. Will you have fireworks?

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